Take Back Control Of Your Career: How To Become Your Own Boss In 2023

Working as a contractor, you're essentially your own boss. Whether you have just started your first contract role, or have set-up your own venture, having perseverance and a sound strategy can ensure you reach your contracting dreams.

  • Contracting info

Working as a contractor, you're essentially your own boss and there is no denying that countless perks are associated with it. This is great for people who tend to work best under their own direction, as you have autonomy and independence from your client companies. You can choose how, when, and where to work, for as much or little time as you want. You have full control over your workload and career path in the future.  

However, as with anything, when it comes a time for change or adjusting to something new, it can be a daunting task. Unfortunately, there isn't a universal recipe that everybody can use for success. Whether it be that you have just started your first contract role, or have made that move to set-up your own business venture, having perseverance, a sound strategy, and commitment, can ensure you reach your contracting dreams, develop a successful venture and long term contracting career. 

At Icon Accounting, we understand this and we want whatever it is you're hoping to accomplish to be achieved.

Here's our Do's and Dont's to help you in becoming your own boss and get you in the hang of things!

Do always prepare and do your research

Make sure you have taken the time to fully research and understand the market. Don’t be afraid to reach out to your connections in the industry and ask for advice. If your goal is connected to your contract, you should discuss your strategy with your assigned account manager so they are aware of your objectives and will offer support and suggestions.

Do set goals and take time for self-reviews

Having a goal in sight can drive you to achieve them and push yourself that bit further. No matter how big or small your goal is, it’s easier to work harder and achieve if you know what you’re aiming for. It is also a good idea to take a step back on a regular basis and review how successful you have been. Pen in time to examine your past, your progress thus far, and ensure you are in control of where you are steering your career in the future.

Do upskilling

As an Independent Professional, you’re in control of your own future. Don’t forget that your skill set is your greatest asset! Although you may have learned many competencies since you started your career, markets constantly evolve. In order to maximise your potential, and indeed your rate of pay, you need to aim to achieve expert status within your field. Take courses, read books, and build up a network by chatting with current contractors.

Don’t underestimate the power of networking

Networking allows contractors to expand their thinking, learning from others and discussing the tricks of the trade can lead to better practices and strong business relationships. Good business advice can be worth its weight in gold, therefore it pays off to listen to those with experience in the market. In addition, a focus on building relationships in the market can in turn gain you a good reputation in your field while building rapport with a network of valuable contacts. This could lead to your next business opportunity in the future!

Do document everything

Simply put, ensure to document everything you do while working with a client, not only for your own records but also for the client. Every contractor should have proper documentation of what they did and where they are now with their project. Trust us, this will save you time and effort down the line.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help

Even though you are an independent professional, you don't have to go it alone. An accountant can significantly impact your life by assisting you with some of your everyday financial responsibilities and giving you important financial guidance. Accountants can help you create a system for your financial record keeping that you can comprehend and can guide you through your financial (tax) processes. 

Do set Boundaries and follow time management

As a contractor, it is vital that you utilise your time as effectively as possible. Wasted time in the contracting world is basically the same as wasting money, and with-out strong time management, you can start feeling unmotivated, unproductive, or in the worst case burning out entirely. Set achievable goals, work in time blocks to effectively complete tasks and know when to take a step back to produce the highest quality work.


So why not dive straight into making that change? Take the leap, finally become your own boss, and reap the rewards it will offer! If you are a professional that is interested in hearing more contracting or want to take the next step and set-up your own Personal Limited Company, please reach out to our team by emailing info@iconaccounting.ie or by calling 01-8077106.

Shauna McEntee

Shauna McEntee


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